Specific service of contract between the ESPOL and PETROPRODUCCIÓN

Specific service of contract between ESPOL and PETROPRODUCCIÓN

Is a subscript document between la ESPOL and the Ecuadorian state, represented by PETROPRODUCCIÓN, who has to provide the necessary investment capital and to give the specialize technical service that the ¨Bloque Santa Elena¨ required.


In December of 1994, was subscripted the¨ Specific service of contract¨ between PETROPRODUCCIÓN and the ESCUELA SUPERIOR POLITÉCNICA DEL LITORAL.

In may 31st of 1996, ESPOL received from PETROPRODUCCIÓN the fields and actives, that this filial keep under his responsibility in the contract area.


The aim of this contract was the realization of the areas specifics hidrocarburiferas to exploited and explored of hydrocarbons in the area of the contract called ¨Bloque Santa Elena¨

The ESPOL will take the risk of the hidrocarburiferas activities by his own, by capital’s investment and using the equipment, machinery and necessary technology.

To execute this contract, La ESPOL will form a partnership with a financial and oil company of competition well know, which have to provide the necessary investment capital and give the technical service if it is required in the field, for getting a bigger production and technical efficiency and not expensive from contract area.

The delimitation of the area of the contract is for determinate the superficies in which the ESPOL is obligated to give specific service, however these have been discovered by his own.

PETROPRODUCCIÓN should supervise the work of the technical activities and contractual which the ESPOL should carry out, and keep the property over all the original information that results in the execution of this contract, including geologic , geophysics, petrofisicos, engineering , registers and information of completing of wells and any information that the ESPOL has generated during the currency of this contract. The ESPOL promise to keep informed to PETROPRODUCCIÓN about the development of all the activities done during the currency the contract, presenting weekly technical reports and monthly.

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