Position and important data of the ¨Bloque Santa Elena¨
First supervise operations for the ESPOL
Ways of Partnership’s operator
Participations of the two parts that take part of the Partnership
Operations Results

Position and important data of the ¨Bloque Santa Elena¨

El Bloque Santa Elena is administrated by the ESPOL by the Ancón project. Its legal case is the "Contrato de Servicios Específicos" subscript with the State and the "Contrato de Consorcio" subscript with an Operator who give the Capital and Technology. It is situated in the Guayas province, with an extension of 1200 Km2, 40% outside coast. El Bloque Santa Elena is situated in production more than 80 years, with 2800 perforated wells, which 740 are in operation, approximately.

There are more than 2.000 wells without production, and after a technical evaluation, is possible to mend them for putting in operation again.

First supervise operations for the ESPOL

In May 31st of 1996, the ESPOL received from PETROPRODUCCIÓN the fields and actives that this filial sep under his responsibility inside Area of contract.

In June of 1996, the Partnership ESPOL - C.G.C., began operations, by the Contractor operator the ¨Compañia General de Combustibles S.A.¨ of Argentine (C.G.C.).
In December of 2001, la ESPOL graded in a favorable way the by the side of rights session by the side of the C.G.C. S.A. to PACIFPETROL S.A. and suggest to the ¨Ministerio de Energía y Minas¨ that give his approbation of the right session and to accept to PACIFPETROL as the new operator of the contract.

By the Executive decree No. 234, from December 18th of 2001, the ¨Ministerio de Energía y Minas¨ accepted the request made by the ESPOL, starting PACIFPETROL, from enuary 1st of 2002, the operations as the new operator of the contract.

Ways of Partnership’s operator

The operator Committee of the contract is who have to know and grade the plans, programs and budgets of the Partnership, the ¨Ministerio de Energía y Minas¨ by the ¨Dirección Nacional de Hidrocarburos (DNH)¨, approved and authorized the request by operator Committee , by the Ancón project's office for the fiscal year correspondent.

The Partnership production (Petroecuador's Crude) is liquid by the DNH in coordination with Ancón project's office, assigned the provisional places of embark that after, are conciliated basing on the requisite of the controlled production, determination the envelopes belonging.

The realization of the embarks belonging to the nominate limit by the DNH and that is discounted of the field's production, are execute by the ¨Gerencia de Comercio Internacional de Petroecuador¨ and coordinate by the Ancón project's office.

The embarks payments are received by direct transference of the Central Bank in the project account, 30 days after of the done embark. (Relation of the Ecuadorian state with the Ancón project)

Participations of the two parts that take part of the Partnership

Based in the Partnership’s contract the operator receives the payment by his services according with the percentage of participation agreed, between the parts, according to the Partnership’s contract (STATE, PACIFPETROL and ESPOL) and the adjust by the quality that is applicated to the price FOB Balao:

State: 18,50 %
Operator: 75,00 %
ESPOL: 6,50 %

When the ESPOL pay the costs of supervision, can distribute the net surplus, 70% to the ESPOL and the 30% to the Peninsula’s development.

Operations Results

The ESPOL began his operation with an average of production daily of 700 barrels by day the average of production daily of the last month was higher of 1,200 barrels by day.

The Operators is contracting the services of new unities of production for get a better submission, increasing the daily production, supporting in a program of rehabilitation of wells. (Statistics of production).(Estadísticas de Producción)